Igvyi Tsalagi Hniwi

Home Page

Welcome to the Igvyi Tsalagi Hniwi Home Page! This website has been designed with the idea of helping non-Cherokee speaking people to gain an interest in pursuing the language. This is by no means a complete guide to learning the Cherokee language or understanding the richness of the Cherokee culture. This site is meant to act as a way to get your foot in the door of understanding the Cherokee language. About the creator: KC Curlee is a second semester sophmore at UNCA studying the Cherokee language. She is interestead in the spread of the Cherokee language as well as it's continued use in the current world. All of the dialouge you hear on the site is spoken by her. KC by no means claims to be an expert on the Cherokee language or the Cherokee culture. If you are interestead in learning Cherokee from some actual experts please check out this site: Your Grandmother's Cherokee.