queen of the nebula

the pinnacle of luxury

The structure of The Queen of the Nebula towers over everything in the bay, putting all other ships in its enormous shadow. The Queen is an intricate structure like the lattice of saphires with enormous individual crystals brnching out into every direction. Each crystal is hub of activity, a unique environment. There are multiple histories, modalities and varied culural platforms all encased in it's crystal shell.

You are greeted by an imposing figure who's holographic info badge indicates his name is Ezekial. They are transmutaded being resembling more an ancient Hindu god than a regular person. Ezekial extends on of many arms in a gesture of greeting and escorts you aboard.

Your new Quarters are modest and yet seem luxurios compared to your tiny room on Earth. In addition to sleeping accomodations there is music, cool beverages and a small table and chair. On the table sits a manual ornately decorated that contains all the protocals of the ship. You are tired, curious and hungry. Do you sit a while and familiarize yourself with protocol or explore and see what you discover?

choice 1ignore the manual

choice 2read the manual