home button

Sam McKenzie: About

My personal goals when fulfilling the guidelines of this project were to create a website with a central hub page where all information is easily accessed through buttons that stand out and react along with a concise and pleasing UI that remains constant throughout the entirety of the site. I also wanted to keep a very simple and bold color scheme so that nothing appears too similar to each other without looking too contrasting or distracting.

I wanted to try out using more complicated CSS so that I could spend time understanding CSS better through trial and error. The biggest challenge in choosing to do this was probably getting the fixed title bar at the top of the page to work correctly and homogeneously throughout all of the pages. I also struggled with alignment of all the divs on certain pages, but now that I have done it and learned from the mistakes I made, I am now much more confident in doing something like this again, which is really the whole point.

On the first two pages I chose to pick examples that seemed to have a good mix of difficulty and accessibility. Combining what I had learned through the first two, I created the third page by playing around with creating different scaled circles placed in different positions relative to the other circles creating a really interesting overlap of circles. The background of the third page is four different divs duplicated hundreds of times which creates a really satisfying mosaic appearance.