Virtual Reality game with physical computing integration about a bear and a hen fighting to save their own children.
Solo exhibition at The Front Gallery in New Orleans. Includes digitally fabricated projectors, a glass artwork, a series of prints and a 'Let's Play' of Blue Boar VR.
Virtual reality game about Mary Bradbury, the artist's 10th great-grandmother's 1692 Salem Witch Trial. A viewer can play through a key accusation against Mary, that she manifested in her garden as a blue boar, from each of three perspectives: Her accusers, Mary herself, or the blue boar.
Awarded $44,000 to develop two physical computing projects at UNC Asheville that interface with the Unreal Game Engine in 2020-21.
A series of online discussions in Summer and Fall 2020 with invited panelists and respondents from the Art Hack Practice Expanded Network Produced by Future Everything and hosted with Irini Papadamitriou and Suzy O'Hara.
Installation with felt, plants, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, LCD Screen, Powerswitch Tail, soil moisture sensor, animation.
Victoria Bradbury & Mark Hursty
Curatorial Project: Exhibition with works by Cristina Molina, Cyane Tornatzky, Angela Ferraiolo, Mark Hursty and Victoria Bradbury
Revolve Gallery
Asheville, NC
Curatorial Project with invited performers and score. Collaboration between Media Arts Project, Revolve + Make Noise.
Black Mountain, NC
Durational performance with sewing machine, laptop, skirt, code.
Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center {Re}Happening
Black Mountain, NC
Electronic wooden sculpture with Arduino and servo motors.
British HCI Conference Interactions Gallery 2017
Sunderland, UK
Workshop with electronics kits and virtual reality experience.
Center for Craft Creativity & Design
Asheville, NC
Workshop Exploring Art and Citizen Journalism
Supported by BALTAN Labs
Designed and delivered with Suzy O'Hara and Olga Mink
Eindhoven, Netherlands
Participatory installation with data, digital embroidery, sticks, pools, electronics.
Sunderland, UK
Installation with felted strawberries, openFrameworks, Arduino, receipt printer, and chocolate coins.
Globe Gallery, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
co-Organiser with Suzy O'Hara and Lalya Gaye/p>
New Bridge Project and Newcastle Maker Space
Participatory installation with interactive gold nugget, digital prints, HTML page with visitor face images.
Colorado State Electronic Art Gallery
Participatory installation with data, custom code, conductive paint, hand-holding.
Newcastle, UK
Participatory installation/instruction-based work with Processing.
Feijiacun District, Beijing, China
Collaboration with Neil Winterburn
Digital Media Labs Residency @Octopus Collective
Experiments in Barrow-in-Furness, UK
Interactive Animation & openFrameworks Sketch with Face Capture
Vacant Quarters Book with short story by Cathy Day
When Vacant Quarters senses the presence of a participant, animations and audio of rolling carts build toward a chaotic moment.
Radio Broadcast presents 128kbps objects | | 十月 October 22-29 2012
Processing Software
Using an RSS feed and the Processing programming environment, this software serves as a digital slideshow, pulling live NY Times Foreclosure-related headlines off the web and overlaying them on Henry Ingram's 1890s magic lantern slides.
Giclee Prints and Video
During a July 2008 residency in Beijing, leading up to the summer Olympics, I tracked down and was photographed in front of every Pizza Hut restaurant in the massive metropolis.
Interactive Installation
Face recognition software senses that a viewer is present, then replaces the blue boar's face with his or her likeness.
Fabric Book
This embroidered silk book re-tells my 10th great-grandmother's Salem Witchcraft trial from the perspective of the vegetables in her garden.
Multimedia installation with single-channel video
Albright Knox Art Gallery Buffalo NY 2010
In Midway Projections, Madame Blueberry projects from the site of the 1901 Buffalo Pan American Exposition Midway.
Digital prints
Albright Knox Art Gallery Buffalo NY 2010
In the Midway Projections print series, Madame Blueberry and visitors
project onto the contemporary site of the Pan American Exposition Midway.
Real-time video processing with using Max/MSP/Jitter
Choreographer: Miriam Wolf | Dixon Place NYC | 2010
Inspired by the closed-door McCarthy Hearings, In Our Days Of Burning investigates the relationship between interrogator and respondent and the tenuous fabric between a lie and the truth.
Real-time video processing with using Max/MSP/Jitter
Collaborators: Mark Hursty|Miriam Wolf|Jono Lucas|Steven Whalley
5 Points Theatre | Jacksonville FL | 2009