Mountain Picnic


Mountain Picnic
Center for Craft, Creativity & Design: Craft City Event
Asheville, North Carolina
September 1, 2017


In this workshop, visitors to the CCCD put together Mountain Picnic electronic circuit kits. They used conductive tape and a battery to light LEDs under a paper diorama of a mountain scene with a firefly jar and bear.


Visitors could then queue for the Mountain Picnic VR experience in which they used virtual reality to enter the scene from the paper diorama, navigating a surreal world created by the artist. The experience begins on a picnic blanket with an interactive firefly jar that can be moved and placed in the air. Visitors can then teleport through the forest where more firefly jars can be found. As they explore, an undulating bear without a skeletal structure moves unpredictably around the scene.



photo by Ben Pope

photo by Mark Hursty

photo by Lauren Pelletier

photo by Lauren Pelletier

photo by Lauren Pelletier

photo by Lauren Pelletier

photo by Victoria Bradbury

photo by Catherine Baumhauer

photo by Catherine Baumhauer

photo by Ben Pope

photo by Ben Pope

photo by Lauren Pelletier

photo by Lauren Pelletier

photo by Mark Hursty

photo by Ben Pope

photo by Lauren Pelletier



Mountain Picnic was developed for the Center for Craft, Creativity & Design's Craft City workshops, curated by Anna Helgeson. Special thanks to Ashlee Lounsbury for her help developing the Mountain Picnic kits and to the University of North Carolina Asheville Department of New Media for equipment support.