Mother Bear Mother Hen


Mother Bear Mother Hen: Virtual Reality interactive game with physical computing jacket interface created in the Unreal game engine.


Project Summary:


At a time when the fortitude of caregivers is being put to the test, Mother Bear Mother Hen invites viewers to ‘play’ a game of survival from opposing sides.


This virtual reality game allows a player to embody the character of a chicken or a bear by donning one of two jackets embedded with soft circuit sensors and LEDs. A player moves through a story of antagonism and survival between a hen and a bear parent and their chicks and cubs.


Developed during the COVID-19 pandemic, the game examines caregiving during a challenging time. Visually, the two cel-shaded levels create a dream-like setting in which a player confronts difficulties and fears that caregivers experience when outside dangers are present.


The bear and chicken jackets communicate to the game through an Arduino Uno microcontroller. A stomping motion controls the movement mechanic in the game and the jacket costumes allow for visual and auditory responsivity to the gameplay.


Blue Boar VR is by Victoria Bradbury


Production Team:


Concept Development

Victoria Bradbury
Clara Tracey


3D Modeling and Rigging

Clara Tracey
Keithon Turner


Game Development

Thomas Townsend
Jeremy Brothers


Music Composition and Sound Design

David Freund


Web and Social Media

Kayla Hammonds
Keithon Turner


Voice Acting

Joshua Lassiter...Narrator
Xavier Hursty...Baby Bears


Physical Computing and Jacket Construction

Victoria Bradbury


Arduino - Unreal Integration

Nolan Scobie

Mother Bear Mother Hen is made possible by funds from the Epic MegaGrants program and UNC Asheville's Department of New Media.