About Cory
Technical Aspect
Artistic Merit

Cory Arcangel is a leading artist whose interests lie with video games and software. He first became interested in this subject when studying classical guitar at the Oberlin Conservatory of music. This was his first time experiencing high-speed internet connection, which eventually led him to major in music technology and even sparked his interest in studying coding. There are a lot of different media types that Cory works with; video, music, film, coding. But music and coding play the biggest parts. He is an artist that creates art from hacking and reconfiguring code to make something of his own. An example of this is when he disabled a Nintendo game to leave the blue sky backdrop. His art has reached many audiences and has even been featured in exhibitions around the world. When Cory first started his work he was known for video game modifications, now he creates work in a wide range of media, a lot of what i mentioned before: video, music, coding, performance, and of course the internet. He recently published a book that is only made up of different tweets, created his own rock album—based on conversations he has had with his friends, and made a film about surfing a website. When first showing his internet art a lot of people were annoyed and didn’t give him any sign of interest in the coding he was working with, so he started to create more things that would catch the eyes of people who have once shaken him off before. He does this by appropriating, disrupting, and recycling popular culture. He explains that he as well as other net artists were very much ahead of time before post-internet art became popular.
-Technically interesting: -Using raw coding language as a method of ordering pizza, before the more familiar methods of online ordering we use today. - Connected with major pizza stores like Domino’s -Used letters to represent toppings -Able to save pizza preferences with an account -Whats really interesting is the fact that they made an early version of online ordering, before it was as standard as it is today. So it’s interesting to see something that is so common today in one of its earliest forms, even seems like this could have been used for inspiration for modern online ordering.
At the time that Pizza Party was made, ordering food online was relatively new and required a small amount of know-how in order to successfully order items. The program itself was made to sort of streamline the process of ordering a pizza and also just to see if it could be done. By using a program to order a pizza over the internet, the developer was able to use the web to his advantage as a means to order food or other items at his whim.
http://www.beigerecords.com/cory/pizza_party/ https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2011/05/30/futurism https://rhizome.org/editorial/2009/jul/20/pizza-party-2004-cory-arcangel-with-michael-frumin/