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The top threats to abortion at the state level, April 19, 2022

I get it, abortion is a hot topic. Currently, there are many types of threats to people’s right to choose: Bans, restrictions, amendments, even everyday Joes taking off work to block people’s entrance to the local clinic. This can make it feel like you are jumping through building sized hurdles to get the healthcare you need. Let’s break it all down so you know how bad these attacks really are.

  • TRAP Laws
  • TRAP stands for “Targeted Restrictions of Abortion Providers”. When not followed, these laws cause the entire clinics to close down, rather than make them safer for women. What must these clinics follow? Some examples are down-to-INCH dimensions for exam rooms, hallways, and janitor’s closets, location settings for the clinics, and impossible clinician requirements. Location requirements include Forcing abortion providers to be within 30 miles from a hospital, which is hardly impossible for places in Rural areas. Clinicians are forced to provide private medical information regarding the patient to the state government. Medical information including the abortion provided, and ultrasound pictures.

    These laws are labeled as “patient safety”, but they are completely unnecessary, and have nothing to do with the patient’s care.

    All in all, These laws don’t make it any more dangerous to get an abortion; it just makes it more difficult to get one.

  • Unconstitutional Abortion Bans at Specific Weeks of Pregnancy
  • Roe v. Wade was a landmark case for Women’s care; the United States Supreme Court recognized that the U.S constitution protects a woman’s right to make her own medical decisions, including her decision to have an abortion. As seen in my first article, Abortion bans at specific weeks are spreading, Some states going as low as six weeks, and a lot of people donot find out they are pregnant until AFTER those 6 weeks are up. It’s like a trap.

    To put it simply, banning abortion is preventing a woman from accessing medical care regarding her own private health and medical decisions, which is a violation of her constitutional right.

  • Non-Surgical Abortion Bans
  • Bills restricting non-surgical abortions are landing on the Governor’s desks in states like North Carolina, Arkansas, and Mississippi. I think what they are trying to do is make abortion seem like a less desirable option since you have to have a surgery.

    On the flipside, non-surgical abortions can include in-clinic, or the pill which empties out your uterus. With accidental pregnancies happening constantly, or more traumatic experiences such as rape, you’d probably want to go for this option since you would be in a comfortable environment, and would be MUCH easier (and less expensive) to execute. But no. People who don’t even have a uterus want to make the process much. More. Difficult.

  • State-Regulated Biased Counseling
  • Even the abortion providers are required to read biased, state-regulated scripts like they’re apart of some fucked up play. Wanna know what’s even MORE fucked up? While the provider has to say this, women are required ultrasounds and FORCED to view them while hearing this anti-abortion propoganda garbage.

  • Attacks on Planned Parenthood and its Patients
  • And you thought THAT was a lot Now listen to this one: in order to access abortion in the first place, you’ll have to get into the clinic. And WHO is standing in the way? Joe who took a day off from his Mailman job to scream “KEEP THE BABY. JESUS LOVES IT!! JESUS LOVES YOU” In your face while holding up a sign that has a picture of a fetus on it. How traumatic can that be? What if you weren't even going in there to get an abortion? Planned Parenthood does more than abortion care, and I will discuss THAT in my next article.

    That was a lot of information I just shared with you. These restrictions make it hard for people to access proper medical care, and will then turn to unsafe ways to terminate a pregnancy instead. Limiting abortion regulations will NOT limit abortion.

    If you had an abortion, I am so glad you were able to make that decision for yourself. I hope you are taking care of yourself. And if it just happened, please take it easy!