,--------.,--.                ,--.   ,--.,--.   ,--.        ,--.       ,--.       ,--.      ,--------.               ,--.         
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   |  |   |  .-.  || .-. :    |  |'.'|  |,--.' .-. ||      \,--.| .-. ||  .-.  |'-.  .-'       |  |   |  .--'' ,-.  |,--.|      \ 
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After listening to the train for who even knows how long, I decide to get up and walk around. Maybe that will help clear my head. After all, I've never been on a train before. We were going to drive to the funeral but after the car crash I haven't been able to get in one without having horrible flashbacks. All I see is my brother's body.

They tell me there was nothing I could have done but I feel like that's a lie. I should have done something.

I shouldn't be thinking like this. I need to clear my head...Maybe there's something to do somewhere.

Head into Hall