The Theories Leading up to the Extinction of Dinosaurs

By: Laurel Buffaloe

Millions and millions (times sixty- four) years ago, Dinosaurs roamed the Earth. While roaming something terrible happened! But what was it? During their time of reign a disaster occuring which made dinosaurs extinct. But will we know for sure what that disaster was? Was is a volcanic eruption and moving of tectonic plates that made them extinct? Was it food shortage? Only our imagination can tell us. There are many mysteries around the whole idea of dinosaurs and their time. Were they pink? Were they green? Did they have hair? We do not even know dinosaur sounds! Only what scientist think. Throughout this project I was faced with the task of how did dinosaurs meet their demise and what did they even look like? Meaning, I could only use my imagination and ideas of how I see dinosaurs. I wanted to show how there are many theories that could be the cause of the extinction of dinosaurs. There could even be multiple reasons for their extinction- even some that I did not create during this project. I created four different dinosaurs and six different theories for their extinction. The dinosaurs I used were the Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Brachiosaurus, and the Tyrannosaurus rex. These dinosaurs that I created looks very different than what scientist believe. I created them in many different colors like orange, pink, green, and blue. The six different theories that I chose (there are many other ways) which are: volcanic destruction, meteor, flooding, ice, heat, and disappearance of food. This project was interesting for me because I never created a graphic novel. I did create something that has taken an interest for me. I learned many new coding methods that I incorporated into this project to the best of my ability.