Welcome To Purgatory!

Welcome! If you're viewing this right now, you've reached your final resting place! Well, almost. To get to your REAL final ending, you'll have to play this game to remember how you died so you can crawl your way out of Purgatory. Doesn't that sound fun?
I'm your host, �̸̻͆�̸̡̆�̴̝̓�̷̤̋, and I'll guide you along the way so you don't pretend to be someone you weren't or anything silly like that. I'll need you to give me as much information as you can to clear up any hiccups in our system as we go along, okay?
Now, make sure your name matches the one I have here and we can retrace your steps to figure out how you died.


That's it right? Great! Go ahead and hit that button down there!


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Enter Game

Game Contains Flashing Imagery
Please Proceed With Caution