Website Description

This website creates a story of a man named Alex Bateman, who was somehow able to embody every sin on the last day of his life. You play the website's game as Bateman and you speak to another individual who is the host of the game. The host walks you through each sin commited on the last day of bateman's life (sloth, pride, gluttony, greed, lust, envy, and wrath) and at the end Bateman is assigned to Hell. Hell ends up being a series of pages of nonsense and as he accepts his fate he is brought back to the neverending cycle's begining. The whole website is a loop and no matter what you choose Bateman always ends up in Hell.

If I were to go back and change anything I would definetly add more apges and give the host a more unique appearance. I might also make a "good" line so that you can choose whether or not Bateman is a good person or not. I didn't want to do that for this project though because i wanted to play on the idea of what supposedly makes someone a good or a bad person and incoorporate all of the seven sins as if Bateman is some sort of horrific character that commits every single sin in every day of life.

I am in no way religious so this entire website is based off of a fictional version of hell and purgatory. I've called the host in my own mind Lucifer, just because i like the idea that he is satan himself not just someone helping you, but that is also ficticious for this setting and in no way reffering to actual biblilcal stories.
I'm not the best at writing stories or coding so this project was hard for me, but im glad it turned out ok.