You decide to meet Bronte at a super fancy five star restaurant. If all goes well, maybe you'll get to go to a bar or something after. You know she has a bit of a temper, but she's super sexy, so you really want to impress her.

Unfortunatelty, time wasn't on your side; you had forgotten to get gas earlier in the day, so you had to before you left. And you figured, while you wre in the area, stop into the grocery store to pick up some expensive dark chocolate, as a form of apology for being late.

Once you arrive, you quickly hop out of the car quickly. You see her standing outside the restaurant, impatiently.

"There you are; it's about time you got here! You coulda told me you were gonna be late!! I am TOO good looking to be standing out here all by myself."

>I'm so sorry! I should have text you, but I got you these chocolates, to apologize!

>I know, but I did get you something, just as sweet as you. Now let's have some fun.