You Have Selected The Red Button!

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    '^^^' '^^^'    '--'                         |
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               | ':-:' |                |  .-.  |
               |  '-'  |                |  '-'  |
==============='       '================'       |

As you click the red button a video of George W. Bush pops up and begins to play. Former President Bush explains that the Government has tricked you into downloading your consciousness onto this so-called supercomputer, which in reality is a virtual prison from which you can never escape. He goes on to tell you the leaders of the world discovered if they killed 90% of the population on earth then the other 10% would be able to live comfortably for generations to come. Finally, he tells you that your body will be harvested for organs to give the 10% the best chance of survival. Then the video ends and you are left floating in a virtual void of white space that goes on forever. The only question you have on your mind is, what’s going to happen to the people going to space????

You Lose!!!! Would you like to Start Over