I had a whole lot of fun with this project! I was initally intimidated by the thought of doing animations but those were the most fun part for me.

For the first page, borders, I wanted viewers to have the option to view the borders of just two colors at a time, or of all of them at once. So I made it that if you mouse over a box on the left, it will only extend that box. But if you mouse over a box on the right they will all stretch over to meet their counterpart on the left.

For the second page, transparency, I really wanted to have a simple smooth animation. I spent a lot of time iffling with the timing and margins of that to make it feel right. I chose a few colors I thought would be fun and was on my way from there.

For the third page, free study, I wanted to combine elements from both the previous animations. I made it that if you mouse over a central element it will stretch and change colors to fit with the borders. I spent the most time on this one and am so proud of it.

I made the background of every page pulse between two different shades of gray, because when I was choosing which one to use as solid, I realized that the shade of gray affects how you may view the colors and borders of the divs, so I had the background pulse between the two slowly.

I wish I had more time to iron out some bugs with sizing and spacing, and that I made it more clear how to interact with what, but overall I am incredibly proud of what I made and had so much fun.