The first page created was based on the color mixture described by Josef Albers, similar to the art style described as pointillism in which artist place small dotes. Of different colors close together (example; yellow and red) so that from afar, it appears as one color (orange). I tried to create a teal color using three colors, a pale blue, a pale green, and a darker teal. These are placed in long vertical positions, alternating between the three.

The second page is based on the color boundaries also described by Josef Albers. He describes this theory as Where one color meets another color the two edges create a line. The line is referred to as a boundary line. The line will be soft or hard according to values. I tried to create more of a softer line by attempting to pair colors or shades that were approximately two shades lighter or darker. I do hope this was accomplished well. I chose to repeat the color scheme a few times not only because I enjoyed the rainbow effect but to also allow people looking to scroll up and down to better see the invisible line.

The third page permitted me to use a bit more creative liberty. When I googled Albers box model the first image, I saw was four boxes or two separate colors or hues with those same color combinations inside 2 other boxes of the opposite color combination. Although hard to describe, it is beautiful to see so I had the urge to recreate it. I believe it demonstrates how colors can look so vastly different to the naked eye when placed near colors drastically different from them.