"Writing is the process of reducing a tapestry of interconnection to a narrow sequence." Ted Nelson on Werner Herzog's Lo and Behold


For this project, you will create a Storymap using Mapbox, Leaflet and Parallax scrolling techniques. You may choose from one of two subjects to make your storymap. You will select one, research the topic, devise and refine the story you aim to tell:

  1. Black Bears in North Carolina and Appalachia
  2. North and South American migration/ "The Wall" / The Migrant Caravan

Your storymap will be a parallax scrolling single-page website. There is no specific length requirement, but your site should be an appropriate scale for the story you are telling.

How to approach your selected subject (Bears or Migration) is up to you. There are many angles you can take - from more broad and general, to more specific and focussed on an individual's story or mini-narrative. Look at the 5 Principles of Effective Storytelling for advice and Sample Story Maps for inspiration.

**Don't wait to start planning your story - this is the most challenging part and will require iterative revision.**

Submit your storyboards and interim Mapbox maps on Google Drive in the 'Storymap - Storyboards/Drafts' folder by the deadline (see the Course Schedule) for grading and in-class critique.

Submit your final project on Google Drive in the 'Storymap Final Projects' folder. Include a 300-word paragraph describing the concept and approach of your project.


  1. Storytelling with text, image and maps.
  2. Creating and styling tiles in Mapbox.
  3. Embedding maps into a website
    and editing them using Leaflet Javascript library.


    Look at editorials that others have written about your topic: How are they telling the story? Is there a main character or theme that they use to talk about broader ideas? What examples do they use?

    Consider how the story could be told in a more compelling way using maps and visual information that goes beyond 'just' images and text.

    See the course Resources page for additional links about storymapping, mapbox, leaflet, parralax, and wildfires.

Grading Criteria

  1. Meets the criteria in the Instructions section.
  2. Creativity and originality.
  3. Planning and functionality.
  4. Execution of the design through color, typography, images, layout.
  5. Use of datasets and maps.
  6. Demonstrates an understanding of the use of maps to tell a story.

Advanced Interactive Media: NM420